Briana DeJesus Cries Over Baby Daddy's Behavior

Briana DeJesus has had a difficult journey with her baby daddy,Luis Hernandez. Luis is the father to Brianas youngest,Stella, but he has rarely been involved in her life. Brianas other baby daddy, in fact, has acted as a de-facto father for Stella.

Briana DeJesus has had a difficult journey with her baby daddy, Luis Hernandez.

Luis is the father to Briana’s youngest, Stella, but he has rarely been involved in her life. Briana’s other baby daddy, in fact, has acted as a de-facto father for Stella.

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, Briana and Luis sit down and talk about their relationship and daughter.

briana dejesus pink header

Source: YouTube, MTV's Teen Mom

